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Torbay & Babbacombe Association Of Sea Anglers



Angler’s name ….............................................  Date of capture …........................

Address ………………………………………………Phone No ………………..

Where caught ….............................. Shore/Boat/Wreck?     Released?  YES / NO

Please circle if you are:         SENIOR    LADY    JUNIOR

Club Competition Name (if applicable) ….........................................................

Fish Details

Please Note – Spotted Ray, Thin Lipped Mullet, Golden Grey Mullet and potential Club Record fish to be identified and weighed by TBASA Scales Clerk.

SHORE – fish must be weighed and returned alive, as soon as possible.

BOAT – fish must be weighed on land and returned alive.

All fish must be weighed on electronic digital scales tested by TBASA

Please ensure a photograph is taken of the angler with the fish and this is retained if verification is necessary at a later date

SPECIES …........................................ WEIGHT.......................PHOTO?  Yes / No

SPECIES …........................................ WEIGHT.......................PHOTO?  Yes / No

The witness must be an adult angler who is present at capture and release of the fish. ANGLER & WITNESS must sign to confirm the fish was weighed and recorded before release.

Witness name ...................................................... Phone No..................................

Witness address ………………………………………………………………….

Witness signature……………………... Angler’s signature..................................

Weigh-in slip to be sent to the fish recorder



Torbay & Babbacombe Association of Sea Anglers

Catch and Release Scheme


1. The Scheme is operational for sea angling from shore and boat.

2. Fish entered for Catch and Release Scheme can qualify for Association Cups, Fish of The Month, Winter and Summer League and other competitions.

3. The Angling Trust confirm that TBASA anglers who enter fish for the Angling Trust Medals Award Scheme can enter fish under the TBASA Catch and Release Scheme as long as their own electronic scales have been verified and recorded against TBASA Certified scales that are certified by Department of Weights and Measures. Members’ scales to have dated sticker and records log. All fish must be weighed on land.


1. Spotted Ray, Golden Grey Mullet, Thin Lipped Mullet and Club Record Fish must be identified and weighed by a TBASA Clerk of The Scales and therefore cannot be recorded in the Catch and Release Scheme.

2. To Catch and Release your fish you will need: a set of Electro Samson digital electronic scales, a digital camera or mobile phone camera, a Catch and Release Entry Form, at least one adult angler witness to the catch and release of your fish

3. The electronic scales must be checked/tested yearly and recorded for accuracy at TBASA against weights tested on the fully certified Club Scales prior to entering any fish under the Scheme. Scales reading more than .5oz above TBASA Certified Scales will not be accepted. Entry Forms will be issued when your scales have been tested /recorded at a TBASA committee meeting.

4. To qualify from shore, the fish must be captured and weighed alive on the tested electronic scales. A photograph of the captor with fish must be taken. Fish to be released alive at the place of capture. The witness must be an adult angler who is present at the time of the capture and release.

5. To qualify from boat, the fish must be weighed alive on land on the tested electronic scales. A photograph of the captor with fish must be taken. Fish to be released alive as soon as possible.

6. The photographic or video record of the captured fish is to be made available to be viewed as necessary by the Fish Recorder to verify the capture, weight, species and release.

7. The shore angler and witness to complete and sign the Catch and Release Entry Form to confirm that the fish has been caught, identified, weighed and released alive as soon as possible at the place of capture. The boat angler and witness complete and sign the Catch and Release Entry Form to confirm that the fish has been caught, identified, weighed on land and released alive as soon as possible at the place of weighing.

8. The captor of the fish is responsible for the accuracy of the details recorded and submitting the completed entry form to the TBASA Fish Recorder within 7 days of the capture of the fish.

9. For Day/Evening/Other competitions, anglers using Catch and Release must submit the completed Entry Form and photographic evidence to the person weighing in the fish during the weigh in times of the competition.